Creating a list of places where we see regen culture seeding

Eileen in the connection call wrote:

would be curious if others here have a list of places they see regen culture seeding

Kayrene wrote:

I would also be interested in a list of places if anyone has them. I’ve heard there are some in Toronto but I don’t have any specific information


I’m in Boulder, CO and definitely some building momentum here

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I made this list! Includes some of the ones I’m most excited about:

Next Generation Regenerative Villages (a shortlist of the projects that I’m most excited about)

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Great list!

And unsurprisingly I’d also suggest adding Hubs especially Bergerac/Farmhouse The Bergerac Praxis Hub & Farmhouse :smile:

And we now have a video

Also some overflights of Farmhouse

Added! Thanks for sharing the updated videos :slight_smile:


And btw this is something that we’ve discussed a bit over the last few years at Life Itself under the name of the “archipelago” i.e. an emerging chain of “islands” where this culture is surfacing.

What do you think of the idea of creating something like a small wiki where we could collect these. I’d love to help out with this and/or see it happen (i love using simple markdown for this + flowershow to publish as it is zero cost and we use it for a bunch of directories (of a different kind) like Second Renaissance).