Hi there, I’m Lauren I work with Life Itself , I’m also a practising hypnotherapist (laurenwigmore.co.uk) and therapuetic practitioner, and a work-in-progress writer.
My areas of interest and focus are on inner development, spiritual/transpersonal psychology, communications and interbeing, and plant and energy medicine.
I’m very right-brained, and identify as a HSP, which makes life interesting and magical on the good days, and overwhelming on the bad. My focus is on creating a world that honours vulnerability and the sacred as a way to strengthen our bonds internally and amongst others.
I like to remind myself that scared is what happens when sacred gets scrambled.
Fun fact: I’ve been doing yoga for 23 years now, have an MSc in Psychological Sciences and I used to be an actress when I lived in London (no, you’re unlikely to have seen me in anything ).