I’m an ordained minister in the Unitarian Universalist Association, with connections to the United Church of Christ. I’m currently serving as a hospital chaplain, but working to find a congregational settlement.
I was influenced by postmodernism in my late 20s and early 30s (1989-1994) when I became more modernist in my outlook under the influence of marxism and socialism.
Even then, I was heading towards ecosocialism and intersectional politics. I discovered Wilber in the early 2000s, and the effect was to push me further towards Leninism.
On the religious side of things, I was raised pentecostal, adopted anabaptism (Mennonite) in my early adulthood, deconverted to agnostic Quaker, and eventually became a pantheist Christian.
I’m a theologian, social scientist, and philosopher.
I just turned 62, live in the Chicago area with my spouse of 42 years, have 2 married adult children, a 13 year old granddaughter, and a 2 month old grandson.