Introduction post: Nzai

My name is Nzai, though I also go by Justine. Originally from Rwanda, I now live in Cape Town, South Africa. I’m on a journey of unlearning and learning, seeking clarity in a world that feels at a crossroads—a moment in history that often leaves me reflecting on how to navigate its complexities.

Amid the challenges facing our world, especially on my continent, Africa I sometimes find myself tempted to feel cynical, disillusioned, or overwhelmed. Yet, I believe there’s another way forward: striving to understand how change happens, why it often doesn’t, and embracing my limitations in the process. But more than that, I’m committed to how I can participate as a citizen of the world to help usher in something new and be part of the conversation on how we create the world we want.

Through my searching and learning, I’ve found this space, and I’m looking forward to being part of a community of like-minded people. I look forward to exploring the crises of our time, and drawing insights from one another. This looks like a place where people genuinely reflect on our past, examining ourselves and the world, and striving to create something meaningful. I look forward to growing and learning with this community.


Super welcome @Nzai lovely to have you here and hear about your journey!

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I think I remember you @Nzai - did you perchance stop by an early Intentional Society session a few years ago?

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Thank you @rufuspollock

@JamesBaker, you have a great memory! Yes, I did. Wow, it’s great to bump into you here. I’ll make a plan to stop by again soon. :slight_smile:

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