Life Itself Spring Gathering - Bergerac, from 27 March

:partying_face: What: Life Itself Spring Gathering 2025. A weekend gathering followed by a Community Co-working week. You can come just for the weekend or stay for the whole time.

:date: When: Thursday 27th March to Sunday 6th April 2025

  • 27th-30th March (Weekend Gathering)
  • 31st March- 6th April (Community Co-working Week)*

*The Life Itself Research Community retreat will take place during this week

:house_with_garden: Where: Life Itself Bergerac Hub, south-west France (~1.5h from Bordeaux)

:smile: Who: Members of the Life Itself network (e.g. collaborators; previous Hub residents; research community contributors; friends…) & newcomers curious to discover more. Based on the Hub’s capacity, this will be a relatively intimate gathering of 15-20 people.

:heartpulse: Why:

  • Take time out of your habitual context and everyday engagements for reflection, inspiration, and nourishment
  • Connect with others who are interested in topics such as: paradigmatic social change; contemplative, relational, and embodied practices; community weaving; inner development; alternative economics and politics… and more…
  • Mutual support on projects related to cultivating a radically wiser world
  • A taster of conscious co-living at the Bergerac Hub
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Look forward to welcoming people then!