Some areas we need help with as of June 2024

Let us know if any of these are of interest

  • examples of ecology of practices :next_track_button: brainstorm some case studies
  • Rosetta stone and glossary
  • fixing glossary on site by correcting links to be to wiki
  • helping with building directory of organisations

An ecology of practices suggests a complex and organic interdependence at the level of systematic intervention into the “Great Mismatch”. Practices are behaviors. They are physical, not merely psychological and mental. Because of the extent to which we appear to live and act through text and screens, the products of our intellect, it is easy to forget that practices in the real world refers to bodily behaviors, habits and responses. These all have a different kind of cognition than has been emphasized by modern Reason. Without this concrete understanding of what practices are we remain confined within a kind of Cartesian theater of mentalism.
Part of the paradigm shift is anatomical and directly addresses this problem with profound implications for complex systems theory and our pragmatic sense of inner awareness, or interoception.
If there is any interest in this, and there should be, this is something that I can speak to broadly.
[email protected]

Paul R Ehrlich, Daniel T Blumstein, The Great Mismatch, BioScience , Volume 68, Issue 11, November 2018, Pages 844–846, Great Mismatch | BioScience | Oxford Academic

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I’m down to co-work for a few hours this week on any/all of the above, or be put to use elsewhere to support the new influx of energy on the discord from the connection call?

I can see a world in which there’s a crapload of new energy and a lot of chaos for the main nodes / info holders at Life Itself, and I’m wondering how my versatile skillset around community building, spacemaking, welcoming, might be put to use. Anyhoo, just an offering!

My tendencies as a contributor (& i imagine many others drawn to this playful work:)

  • Tendency to dilute my energies across many fields of curiosity (so I need to keep the stream narrow, OR embrace that work gets done on a slower timescale across domains)
  • Communicating in this space AND in Discord is likely going to confuse/overwhelm/overstimulate me and others *(some who are overwhelmed will leave, without seeing the Map / the How / knowing they’re not the only ones overwhelmed by all the possibility… that’s OK, and it’d also be nice to capture all that beautiful new influx of energy… maybe acknowledging these experiences is all it would take → the “I’m not the only one?! OK, I’m safe!” phenomenon.

Thank-you for the wonderful offer …

I’m down to co-work for a few hours this week on any/all of the above, or be put to use elsewhere to support the new influx of energy on the discord from the connection call?

OK, i think we want to try and organize a coordination time point for when this could happen. I propose we’ll do this via the discord.

Tendency to dilute my energies across many fields of curiosity (so I need to keep the stream narrow, OR embrace that work gets done on a slower timescale across domains)

OK, so let’s keep a focus on one project. e.g. you talked about doing an audio version of the essay …

  • Communicating in this space AND in Discord is likely going to confuse/overwhelm/overstimulate me and others *(some who are overwhelmed will leave, without seeing the Map / the How / knowing they’re not the only ones overwhelmed by all the possibility… that’s OK, and it’d also be nice to capture all that beautiful new influx of energy… maybe acknowledging these experiences is all it would take → the “I’m not the only one?! OK, I’m safe!” phenomenon.

Shall we stick with discord for now?

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:white_check_mark: See you on Discord to coordinate
:white_check_mark: This aligns with other to-dos on my list (ie Set up my studio) so tis a great plan for a focus. Very much appreciate the clarity of a “do this next!”
:white_check_mark: Yes, Discord is The Way. C U there :smiley: