This seems like a group we should keep in touch with - and they are very much discussing the Second Renaissance white papers and other material at their meetings. I hope to attend their next meeting in March.
Also think that writing some proper pieces on “evolving (from) EA” or “transcending and including EA” would be good.
PS: I’ve wanted to do this for ages and have a few scattered pieces but nothing coherent.
PPS: given that i find “prototype courses” a good forcing function for producing material … I wonder about doing a course like “Beyond Effective Altruism” or “Introduction to the Second Renaissance for Effective Altruists” or similar. I’d love a partner on this – perhaps you’d be interested @JonahW
Sounds great, I’ll have a think about possible approaches and let’s discuss
Hi @rufuspollock and @JonahW , Ben here - part of the Integral Altruism group. Rufus, you and I spoke about this topic on a connection call a while back and, Jonah, we had a whatsapp exchange the other day about Int/a - there’s a few of us keen to talk about collaborating on this. In fact if you dm me your emails, I can add you to a very rough google doc I started yesterday
@BenRSmith that’s fantastic. I remember well our chat on the second renaissance connection call - have you been back? (I wonder if i can dig out the video of that … not sure if there was a recording)
PS: as per my previous comment i’d love to do maybe a dialog about “transcending and including EA” or similar. Maybe we could make this a three way dialog and record it and if it’s good we share it …